

Analyzing source code for common mistakes and potential improvements.

Our IDEs help you analyze code on various levels, starting from a single statement in the editor and all the way through to the architecture of your entire solution.

See Also


Go to Next Error
Quickly move to the next (or previous) error or warning in the file.


Context Actions
Use Alt+Enter to show available context actions


Highlights of GoLand 2023.3
Explore key features and enhancements in GoLand 2023.3.


Solution-Wide Analysis
Find and resolve code issues in your projects.

Part of tutorial

Fixing Warnings and Errors
Automatically resolve inspections using quick fixes.

Part of tutorial

What is Solution-Wide Analysis?
An introduction to Solution-Wide Analysis in ReSharper and Rider.

Part of tutorial

Exploring Code Analysis Results
Find code quality issues that matter and need your attention.


Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?
ReSharper and Rider help you learn existing and new features of .NET!

Part of tutorial

Inspections and quick-fixes for Unity code
Rider helps you write better code, faster.

Part of tutorial

Editing, code completion, inspections
Let's explore what the coding experience is like!


New Features in GoLand 2023.1
A selection of useful features from GoLand 2022.3.


Vulnerability checker
Analyze your codebase and highlight known vulnerabilities in go.mod


C# 11 - Required Keyword
Introducing the required keyword for fields and properties.


C# 11 - Raw strings
There is no escape!


Inspections Widget
The top-right corner of your editor shows you information about the state of your class


Rename constants that use reserved names
Rename a constant if it uses a name of a built-in constant.

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HTMX cascading selects
One thing leads to another

Part of tutorial

Client-side templating with Mustache and HTMX
Generate HTML on the client, based on JSON

Part of tutorial

Hello, HTMX!
No series is complete without a "Hello, World" sample

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HTMX state management
Maintaining state across requests

Part of tutorial

Typeahead search with HTMX
Live updates based on your search query

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Giving context to HTMX

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Infinite scrolling with HTMX
Streaming infinite content to your users

Part of tutorial

Out-of-band swaps with HTMX
Swap and replace any HTML element

Part of tutorial

ASP.NET Core Razor TagHelpers for HTMX
Simplify integration of HTMX in ASP.NET Core apps

Part of tutorial

Polling to get recent updates
Retrieve updated information from the server

Part of tutorial

Server-side validation, client-side feel
Validate models on the server, display results on the client

Part of tutorial

Server-powered modals with HTMX
Create modal dialogs on the server

Part of tutorial

Real-world shopping cart and conclusion
See all HTMX techniques come together

Part of tutorial

Shortcut keys for web applications
Add keyboard shortcuts to make your web an app

Part of tutorial

What is HTMX?
Understanding the spirit of the HTMX library

Part of tutorial

Server-sent events for realtime updates
Send messages to clients in realtime

Part of tutorial

Tabs, tabs, and more tabs with HTMX
Asynchronous rendering of tabs on the server


Automatic Inspections
Detect common memory issues - automatically.


Write SQL queries using popular database packages
Work with SQL queries and get completion and other features automatically.


Inspect device_cgroup_rules values for errors
Check if the device_cgroup_rules values contain any errors


Inspect port mapping for errors in docker-compose.yaml files
Check if the ports are correctly mapped or not


Inspect size_size values for errors in docker-compose.yaml files
Check if the shm_size values contain any errors


Hot Spots
Find areas of your code base that may need better test coverage.


Profile an HTTP request
What happens when an HTTP request is made?


Object Retention
Inspect retention paths for an instance or a group of objects.


Detect incorrect usages of t/b.Fatal* calls in goroutines
Find if tests or benchmarks are using t/b.Fatal* calls inside goroutines incorrectly


Prevent a package depending upon another
Enforce architecture rules, such as data access layers not depending upon UI layers.


Use a lightweight inspection profile on commit
Fully customise the checks you must perform before you commit your changes to version control


Use new methods on the Streams API
Inspections can show us new features from Java 16


Convert class to record
Use inspections to convert classes to Java 16 records


Use Pattern Matching for instanceof
Inspections can guide us to use new Java features

Part of tutorial

Introduction to the ReSharper Essentials series.

Part of tutorial

Inspections and Quick-Fixes in ReSharper
Helping you write better code, faster, and automatically fixes code issues.

Part of tutorial

Additional Tools
There's more in ReSharper! Architecture diagrams, localization manager, build tools, ...

Part of tutorial

Writing and Running Unit Tests with ReSharper
Run, debug and profile tests, do continuous testing, and inspect code coverage.

Part of tutorial

Shortcuts, Editing and Code Completion
Let's dive into the most important productivity shortcuts, editing, and code completion.


Detect incorrect usage of Println/Printf like functions
Formatting functions from packages such as pkg/errors, logrus or zap

Part of tutorial

Localization Basics
Working with Cultures, Resources, & Apps

Part of tutorial

Localizing ASP.NET Applications
Working with Cultures, Resources, & ASP.NET

Part of tutorial

Customize the Look and Feel of Rider
Customize the look and feel of Rider, and make the editor work the way you want.

Part of tutorial

Introduction to the Rider Essentials series.

Part of tutorial

Inspections and Quick-Fixes in Rider
Dive into inspections and quick-fixes, nullability inspections, the Heap Allocations Viewer plugin, and more!

Part of tutorial

Shortcuts, Editing, and Completion in Rider
Where to start? Let's learn the two most important shortcuts, editing, and code completion.

Part of tutorial

Unit Testing with Rider
Learn how Rider can help make sure code behaves as expected, with continuous testing and code coverage.


Introducing Variables
Introduce variables the way you like!


Editing Tips & Tricks
Know everything there is to know about editing code.


Cleanup Namespaces
Fix all unused namespaces right from where you are!


C# 8 Support
Master all the C# 8 language features!


JSON schema support
The best way to work with JSON and YAML files!