

Create games and more across devices and platforms.

Unity products give content creators the tools to not just entertain but to create innovative RT3D experiences and deliver better processes for almost every industry.

🎮 Dive into game development and create your first Unity project with the new JetBrains Academy track. Read more.


Can I script a Unity Game with AI Assistant in under 15 minutes?
In terms of game development, I am a total beginner. Can I script a Unity game with AI Assistant?

JetBrains Blog

How to improve code quality in game development with Qodana and Unity
Game development with Qodana and Unity


How To Stop Writing View-Classes for Unity UI
Dmitrii Ivashchenko


JetBrains GameDev Day 2023
Session recordings of JetBrains GameDev Day 2023.


JetBrains Space and JetBrains Rider
A full solution to power your game development process!


Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?
ReSharper and Rider help you learn existing and new features of .NET!


Creating Games With Unity - Scripting Logic With Rider
JetBrains Rider is the best scripting editor for Unity – let's find out why!

Part of tutorial

Debugging Unity games
Suspend execution and inspect variables. Use pausepoints to visually inspect your scene.

Part of tutorial

Generate code
Rider helps with boiler-plate code, code completion, and more.

Part of tutorial

Keyboard shortcuts - Shift+Shift and Alt+Enter
The two keyboard shortcuts that get you places!

Part of tutorial

Inspections and quick-fixes for Unity code
Rider helps you write better code, faster.

Part of tutorial

Navigating around a Unity project
Find your way around your code base, asset usages, and more.

Part of tutorial

Unit testing
What is RiderFlow? And where to find it?


Design and Manage Scenes With RiderFlow
We'll walk you through the best tips for RiderFlow to help speed up your Unity development!

Part of tutorial

Getting Started with Rider for Unity
What is Rider? And how to start using it with Unity?

Part of tutorial

Code Editing
Dive deeper into code with the smart editor in Unity!

Part of tutorial

Hierarchy, bookmarks and camera presets
Find your way through complex scenes.

Part of tutorial

Adding assets to a scene
The scene view management toolbar can search assets that you can use in your scene.

Part of tutorial

Find and Show Asset Usages
Visually understand the scene structure and where an asset is used.

Part of tutorial

Search Everywhere
Quickly search throughout your project. For anything!

Part of tutorial

Replace Assets
Replace assets on your scene. It's like refactoring, but visually!

Part of tutorial

Introducing RiderFlow
What is RiderFlow? And where to find it?


JetBrains GameDev Day Online 2022
Session recordings of JetBrains GameDev Day Online 2022.


Making Plugins for Game Engines as a Business
Alexander Pirogov, Victor Careil


Unity Support
Write smarter C# for Unity!