These questions were shown to 1/5 of all other respondents taking the survey, chosen randomly.



Which of the following educational institutions / resources allowed you to take the first big step towards becoming a developer?

Two options stood out as the main big steps people take to become a professional developer – formal education and personal efforts, which were both selected by 60% of the respondents.

What programming languages have you started learning / continued to learn in the last 12 months, if any?

Junior developers were most likely to be learning Java and Python, while senior specialists tended to be learning Go, TypeScript, or Rust.

The most studied languages were, perhaps unsurprisingly, also the most popular ones: Python, Java, JavaScript, and TypeScript. The last 2 seem to be growing increasingly popular as languages to study. Go is also a very popular language to study, even though its usage is still quite low.

What did you use to learn new tools / technologies / programming languages in the last 12 months, if you did?

What Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) platforms do you use?

A variety of factors, such as programming language, country, and age, contribute to the diversity of preferences regarding MOOCs. For example Pluralsight seems to be more popular among older developers. C and C++ developers prefer Coursera over Udemy, while Egghead specializes in web development and gets a lot of TypeScript and JavaScript learners.

What kind of learning content do you prefer?

Unlike developers in other countries, developers in India expressed a preference for video content over reading. Almost 70% choose to work with video content, while only 30% prefer to read their learning materials. This trend also leads to the significantly higher popularity of MOOCs and online coding schools. Almost 50% of the respondents from India study through online courses, while the average for developers in other countries is only 20%.

How much time per week do you spend on learning new tools / technologies / programming languages?

These results revealed a clear and rather unsurprising pattern – the more experienced a developer was, the less time they were likely to spend on learning new things.

Have you ever quit learning courses / programs before finishing?

Python learners had the lowest rate of abandoning their learning courses, while TypeScript learners dropped their courses at the highest rate.

Why did you stop learning?

Reasons to stop learning by years of professional coding experience

These questions were only shown to the respondents who chose student or working student as their employment status.


What type of educational institution do you go to?

Which of the following degrees are you currently pursuing?

What subject is your major?

Most of the options submitted under Other are tech related, such as data science, bioinformatics, and a variety of fields in computer science. Although there are also quite a few students with majors in astronomy, biology, and medicine.

What programming languages have you studied at your educational institution?

Java is becoming less frequently studied in educational institutions, while Python is gaining momentum.

Which of the following tools do your teachers / professors advise you to use, if any?

These questions were only shown to the respondents who chose “Instructor / Teacher / Tutor” as their job role.


What is teaching for you?

At what type of educational institution do you teach?

Most of the respondents who selected “Other” teach or train at their companies.

For what level of education do you teach?

What subject do you teach?

What programming languages have you taught?

Which of the following tools do you recommend to students, if any?

Thank you for your time!

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