
All the resources in the Guide, starting with most recent.

Search in Selection Only


Search in Selection Only
Limit the search to the selected part of code.
Make Your Work Environment Distraction Free


Make Your Work Environment Distraction Free
Need to focus on just your code? You can switch to the distraction-free or zen mode.
Show CSS Color Preview


Show CSS Color Preview
How to display a CSS color in the background in WebStorm.
Create Arrow Functions in One Click


Create Arrow Functions in One Click
WebStorm can help you add arrow functions to your code.
Create New Class


Create New Class
Quickly add new classes to your project.
Evaluate JSON Path Expressions


Evaluate JSON Path Expressions
Use IntelliJ IDEA to check if your JSON Path expression are correct.
Enable Git Staging


Enable Git Staging
Git Staging is an alternative approach to IntelliJ IDEA Changelists.
Distraction Free Mode in IntelliJ IDEA


Distraction Free Mode in IntelliJ IDEA
Hide all UI elements (tool windows, toolbars, and editor tabs) so the editor occupies the entire main window with the source code centered.
Convert Class to Record


Convert Class to Record
Use inspections to convert classes to Java 16 records.
Inline code completion


Inline code completion
Let AI Assistant write code for you, using inline code completion.
Run inspection


Run inspection
Run inspection by name. For example, run Vulnerable API usage to see where the vulnerable API of external dependencies is used in your code.
Mnemonic bookmark


Mnemonic bookmark
Use mnemonic bookmarks for easy navigation.