Testing Exceptions

Write tests which ensure exceptions are raised when expected.

In the previous step we showed how to debug a problem. Let's show how to write a test that recreates the problem -- and ensures our Python code handles it correctly -- by using pytest exception assertions.

We'll then refactor the code to detect that situation and return None, writing tests before doing the refactoring.

Testing Exceptions

We start, as always, with a test.

We're adding a new test test_no_primary_guardian in test_player.py, to detect the case when no guardians have been assigned:

import pytest
# ....
def test_no_primary_guardian(player_one):
    with pytest.raises(IndexError) as exc:
    assert 'list index out of range' == str(exc.value)

As we type the code above, don't forget to use autocomplete to let PyCharm generate import pytest for you.

This test uses a special context manager facility in pytest, in which you run a block of code that you expect to raise an exception, and let pytest handle it. You test will fail if the exception is not raised. The context manager optionally lets you add as exc to then do some asserts after the block, about the nature of the exception value.

Return None Instead

x Perhaps we decide that raising an exception isn't a good pattern. Instead, we want to detect if self.guardians is empty, and if so, return None.

To start, let's...write a test. Or in this case, change that last test:

def test_construction(player_one):
    assert 'Tatiana' == player_one.first_name
    assert 'Jones' == player_one.last_name
    assert [] == player_one.guardians

def test_add_guardian(player_one, guardians):
    assert [guardians[0]] == player_one.guardians

def test_add_guardians(player_one, guardians):
    player_one.add_guardians((guardians[1], guardians[2]))
    assert list(guardians) == player_one.guardians

def test_primary_guardian(player_one, guardians):
    player_one.add_guardians((guardians[1], guardians[2]))
    assert guardians[0] == player_one.primary_guardian

def test_no_primary_guardian(player_one):
    assert player_one.primary_guardian is None

Good news, the test fails. Remember to remove the now-unused import pytest via PyCharm's Optimize Imports.

We now change our implementation in player.py to correctly return None. While we're at it, let's put a return type on primary_guardian:

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List, Iterable, Optional

from laxleague.guardian import Guardian

class Player:
    """ A lacrosse player in the league """

    first_name: str
    last_name: str
    guardians: List[Guardian] = field(default_factory=list)

    def add_guardian(self, guardian: Guardian):

    def add_guardians(self, guardians: Iterable[Guardian]):

    def primary_guardian(self) -> Optional[Guardian]:
        return self.guardians[0] if self.guardians else None

Python type hinting uses Optional when the value might be None.

Our tests now pass which means we did the refactoring safely.