Hub 2019.1 introduces universal 2nd Factor Authentication, Community-based Language Support, and other improvements.
Hub now supports the universal 2nd-factor authentication standard for two-factor authentication. As a result, you can use a token-based interface as a second authentication factor. This provides support for a range of hardware security keys and biometric technologies.
The Hub user interface is localized for US English, French, German, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. While this is a good start, there are a lot of other languages out there. You now have the option to switch to a language that is supported by the Hub user community. If you want to work with Hub in a language that isn’t officially supported by JetBrains, you can contribute your own translations.
A new option in the group settings lets you require that members of the group enable two-factor authentication for their Hub accounts. This helps you secure access to your Hub installations and the services that are connected to it.
From Hub version 2019.1, we no longer guarantee stable performance in any version of Internet Explorer and no longer fix bugs that can only manifest themselves in this browser. If you are currently working with Hub in IE 11, we recommend that you switch to another web browser.