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Working with Blueprints

Navigate back-and-forth between code an blueprints, find usages, and more.

Rider is set up to work with Unreal Engine code. Native .uproject files can be opened directly in Rider without generating a Visual Studio solution, Makefile, or Xcode project. Rider reads the Blueprints from your project, shows the usages of such files in your C++ code, and displays the values of the overridden properties.

Blueprints contain a whole set of useful information for the developers of the C++ part of the game, since the Blueprint designers extend the baseline system implemented in C++ with Blueprint-specific markup. With all the Blueprint details, developers can avoid code changes that unexpectedly affect a game’s behavior.

If there are derived Blueprint classes in your game, you can see the corresponding hint right in the code editor. To get the list of all inheritors, right-click the hint and select the derived classes option from the context menu or invoke Find Usages on a C++ class.

You can get the details about UFunctions implemented in Blueprints. You can also check the state of a UProperty, including whether it has been overridden, and what value is set in the Blueprint file.

You can also navigate to the blueprint objects from your C++ code.

JetBrains Rider also offers inspections to let you know if there are inconsistencies between the Blueprint-specific function specifiers used in the code and the Blueprints themselves

See Also