Become more productive with general IDE tips and features.

Our IDEs help you write better code, faster. In this topic, we will look at general tips and features, and learn more about them.

See Also


Configuring the New UI in any JetBrains IDE
We'll walk you through the steps to enable the sleek and efficient New UI in your favorite JetBrains Integrated Development Environment.


JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Day Online 2023.


How to Quickly Jump to Recent Files in any JetBrains IDE
Are you tired of hunting for that crucial file buried in your project? Say goodbye to the hassle with these IDE shortcuts and tips. Jump to recent files effortlessly in JetBrains IDEs like IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, PhpStorm, WebStorm, GoLand, CLion, RubyMine, and more!


Lean UI JetBrains IDE
Have you ever wondered how to achieve a lean-looking editor without sacrificing essential features? Our IDEs come packed with functionalities, but sometimes, all those toolbars and status bars can clutter your workspace.


Find Actions in Any JetBrains IDE
If you want to do something, but don't remember the shortcut or menu option, use Find Action. Press ⇧⌘A (on Mac) or Control+Shift+A (on Windows/Linux)


How to Search Everywhere in Any JetBrains IDE
Use ⇧⇧ (macOS), or Shift+Shift (Windows/Linux), to bring up the Search Everywhere dialog. You can search across Classes, Files, Symbols and Actions.


JetBrains Space and JetBrains Rider
A full solution to power your game development process!


Connect to a Running Docker Container Shell
Explore the file system and processes in the container, tail a log file, and more.


Why is ReSharper/Rider suggesting this?
ReSharper and Rider help you learn existing and new features of .NET!


Remote development with JetBrains Rider
Experience the power of developing .NET applications remotely!


Creating Games With Unreal Editor and JetBrains Rider
JetBrains Rider is the best scripting editor for Unity – let's find out why!


Creating Games With Unity - Scripting Logic With Rider
JetBrains Rider is the best scripting editor for Unity – let's find out why!

Part of tutorial

Debugging Unity games
Suspend execution and inspect variables. Use pausepoints to visually inspect your scene.

Part of tutorial

Generate code
Rider helps with boiler-plate code, code completion, and more.

Part of tutorial

Keyboard shortcuts - Shift+Shift and Alt+Enter
The two keyboard shortcuts that get you places!

Part of tutorial

Inspections and quick-fixes for Unity code
Rider helps you write better code, faster.

Part of tutorial

Debugging Unreal Engine with Rider
Use the Unreal Editor log and the debugger to see what's going on in your game.

Part of tutorial

Navigating around a Unity project
Find your way around your code base, asset usages, and more.

Part of tutorial

Editing, code completion, inspections
Let's explore what the coding experience is like!

Part of tutorial

Navigating your project
Use Search Everywhere to helps you find code, functions, blueprint usages, and more.

Part of tutorial

What is Rider for Unreal?
Learn about using Rider for your Unreal Engine games.


Design and Manage Scenes With RiderFlow
We'll walk you through the best tips for RiderFlow to help speed up your Unity development!

Part of tutorial

Getting Started with Rider for Unity
What is Rider? And how to start using it with Unity?

Part of tutorial

Code Editing
Dive deeper into code with the smart editor in Unity!

Part of tutorial

Adding assets to a scene
The scene view management toolbar can search assets that you can use in your scene.

Part of tutorial

Introducing RiderFlow
What is RiderFlow? And where to find it?


C# 11 - Required Keyword
Introducing the required keyword for fields and properties.


C# 11 - Raw strings
There is no escape!


JetBrains GameDev Day Online 2022
Session recordings of JetBrains GameDev Day Online 2022.


JetBrains .NET Days Online 2022
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2022.


ASP.NET Basics for Experts
Layla Porter


Remote Pairing
Lorraine Steyn


Undo Last Commit
Undo a commit... without misery.


Tabless UI in any JetBrains IDE
In any JetBrains Integrated Development Environment (IDE), you have the power to take control of your workspace. In this video, we'll show you how to configure your editor tabs to optimize your coding environment.


HTMX for ASP.NET Core Developers
A set of videos explaining what HTMX is, and how ASP.NET Core developers can use it to create rich client-side experiences.

Part of tutorial

Debugging For ReSharper Users
Learn the basics of the Rider debugger from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.

Part of tutorial

Getting Started
Learn to create and run your first solution in Rider


JetBrains .NET Days Online 2021
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2021.


C# Source Generators in Action
Andrey Dyatlov


Moving from Visual Studio to JetBrains Rider
A jumpstart guide for Visual Studio + ReSharper users wanting to try Rider.

Part of tutorial

NuGet Package Management
Learn the basics of the Rider's NuGet Tool Window from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.

Part of tutorial

Learn the basics of the Rider plugin marketplace from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.

Part of tutorial

Working With IIS and IIS Express
Effectively working with ASP.NET Core and IIS in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.

Part of tutorial

Unit Testing For ReSharper Users
Learn the basics of the unit testing in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.

Part of tutorial

Working With Databases
Effectively working with databases in Rider from a Visual Studio + ReSharper user's perspective.


ReSharper Essentials
Together with our developer advocates, learn how ReSharper can help you write better code, faster.

Part of tutorial

Additional Tools
There's more in ReSharper! Architecture diagrams, localization manager, build tools, ...

Part of tutorial

Introduction to the ReSharper Essentials series.

Part of tutorial

Code Formatting
Format and reformat code for consistency in your solution.

Part of tutorial

Comparing Rider's Toolbar with Visual Studio
Learn how Rider's toolbar UI compares with the toolbar found in Visual Studio.


Web Fundamentals in Rider
Learn how Rider helps you with web applications to build full-stack apps with ease.

Part of tutorial

Navigation in web applications
How can you find what you want? Let's look at navigating around a code base.

Part of tutorial

See how the IDE helps you safely refactor code, without breaking existing code.


Rider Essentials
Our developer advocates show their favourite tips and tricks, uncovering how they work with Rider.

Part of tutorial

Introduction to the Rider Essentials series.

Part of tutorial

NuGet Tool Window in Rider
Working with NuGet, including search with typos, CamelHumps, Update All, and more!

Part of tutorial

Customize the Look and Feel of Rider
Customize the look and feel of Rider, and make the editor work the way you want.

Part of tutorial

Version Control in Rider
Working with Git, commit code, rebase and switch branches. Let's explore version control (VCS)!


Profiling in Rider
Explore performance and memory profiling options in Rider, and optimize an existing application.

Part of tutorial

Conclusion - Profiling in Rider
What have we learned? Profiling, profiler modes, optimizing code, DPA, and more. Let's summarize!

Part of tutorial

Dynamic Program Analysis (DPA)
Rider automatically analyzes memory of your applications, all the time!

Part of tutorial

Optimize Performance with Rider
Let's try to optimize the Sudoku solver by profiling, and then optimizing code based on the performance snapshot.

Part of tutorial

Introduction to Profiling in Rider
Let's run a first profiling session on a Sudoku solver sample application.

Part of tutorial

Profiling Modes
What are the differences between Sampling, Tracing, Line-by-Line, and Timeline profiling?


IDE & Project Backgrounds
Personally style your IDE and Projects with custom background images


Getting Started With ASP.NET
A set of short videos to understand the basic landscape of an ASP.NET Application.

Part of tutorial

ASP.NET Routing
Defining endpoints and URI path handlers

Part of tutorial

Request Pipeline
Configuring our HTTP handlers in Startup

Part of tutorial

Start A New ASP.NET Web Application
Starting an ASP.NET Project in under a few minutes

Part of tutorial

Startup Class Walkthrough
The beginning of all ASP.NET applications


JetBrains .NET Days Online 2020
Session recordings of JetBrains .NET Days Online 2020.


Formatting F# Code
Florian Verdonck


Starting a Blog
Khalid Abuhakmeh


Editing Tips & Tricks
Know everything there is to know about editing code.


Tool Window Management
Little helpers always at the right size!


Hiding all tool windows
Focus on your code!


Settings Layers
Save settings to the scope you need them!


VCS Operations Quicklist
Your next VCS action at hand!


Managing Copyright Policy
Use the copyright tool to manage a copyright statement across project files.


Disable Tabs
Save space and stay keyboard-centric by turning off the tabs.


Reduce Clutter by Disabling Tools
Save space by turning off various toolbars and Project Tool.